Oral Galvanism
The Potentiometer
Measuring Oral Galvanism
Oral galvanism is the electrical current discharged from a tooth when two or more dissimilar metals coexist within the slightly acidic saliva. This is how batteries are made.
Energy + Acid + Dissimilar Metals = Energetic Current / Discharge
Oral Galvanism
Galvanism is a battery effect caused by the presence of dissimilar metals in the highly conducive and acidic environment of the saliva of the mouth.
Energy = Teeth are living organs that have a natural low-level electrical charge.
Acid = Saliva is slightly acidic, even in a healthy range, and can be very acid with an unhealthy diet.
Dissimilar Metals = Dentists use dental restorations made from a variety of metals (mercury amalgam fillings, gold alloy crowns, metal-based partials or dentures, porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, titanium implants, orthodontic braces, stainless steel/nickel crowns).

The Potentiometer
Galvanic action routinely releases high-level electrical charges that interfere with the function of the body’s cellular communication. The charge can be measured with a Potentiometer. Like a fancy electricians tool, it is gathering measurements of microvolts, microamps, and microwatts.
The potentiometer has a red probe and a black probe, and even though they look like jumper cables, there is literally nothing to feel. One of the probes rests gently against the gum above the tooth being measured, and the other contacts the metal. When the Potentiometer probe touches the metal, it releases the charge carried by that restoration and the machine records the reading.

Oral galvanism readings from the potentiometer are a critical piece of the puzzle (paired with other diagnostic puzzle pieces like digital x-rays, intra-oral exam, CBCT, thermogram readings, etc) for our dentists when holistically examining the oral environment.
Galvanism in Dentistry

The American Dental Association recognizes that oral galvanism occurs but misses the big picture when describing possible consequences. Galvanism is taught in dental school for aesthetic purposes. Dental schools advise not to place a shiny gold crown next to a silver amalgam filling because the dark filling will discolor the gold crown. The slide to the right is taken from a dental text book to illustrate the allopathic view on galvanism.
The energetic discharges from oral galvanism can cause two main issues:
1. Physical issues in the mouth
2. Neurological issues in the brain
Physical Complications from Oral Galvanism
Research has shown that oral bacteria LOVE a mouth with oral galvanism. Bacteria will flock to areas with high energetic discharge and rapidly build homes (plaque/tartar/calculus). The increased bacteria produce higher amounts of acid through waste. Excess acidity increases galvanic discharge. The higher the energy, the more bacteria, initiating a downward spiral.
Studies show growth rates of bacteria with and without an energy-rich environment. Bacterial cultures taken from the mouth were placed in an ager dish and left completely alone. The same bacteria were also placed in an ager dish energized with a small electronic current. Both dishes were left alone for a few weeks. When checked, bacteria bathed in galvanic current were almost growing out of the dish.
Neurological Complications from Oral Galvanism

An electrical path exists between the metal restoration in a tooth and the natural fluids in the tooth underthe restoration. Research suggests that galvanism may be disruptive to the electromagnetic functioning of the body. It is an effect separate from and additional to any mercury poisoning that may occur in individuals who may not be able to bind and excrete mercury adequately for maintenance of general health.
Common Neurological Symptoms of Oral Galvanism.
- Tremors
- Irregular heartbeat
- Chronic or frequent headaches
- Numbness in extremities (hands/feet)
- Tingling in extremities (hands/feet)
- Excess salivation
- Inflammation of the mouth
- Blue lines on gums
- Ulcerations in mouth
- Bleeding gums
- Metallic taste
- Burning tongue, mouth, throat
- Vision problems
- Dizziness
- Decreased hearing
- Tinnitus (Ringing in the ears)
- Insomnia (Trouble sleeping)
- Fatigue
- Drowsiness
- Anxiety
- Mental depression
- Irritability / Nervousness
- Difficulty concentrating
- Mental confusion
- Impaired memory
Dissimilar Metals Used in Dentistry
Approximate ratios as per several prominent dental labs

Amalgam Fillings (average ratio – copper content increased in 1962 and then again in the 1970’s)
- 50% Mercury
- 30 % Silver
- 10% Tin
- 8% Copper
- 2% Zinc
Full Gold Crowns and Onlays
- 77% Gold
- 13% Silver
- 8% Copper
- 1% Platinum
- 1% Trace
Porcelain-Fused-To-Metal Crowns and Bridges (PFMs)
Precious Metal (High Noble):
- 48% White gold
- 40% Palladium
- 4% Zinc
- 4% Tin
- 4% Trace
Semi-precious Metal:
- 20% Gold
- 79% Palladium
- 8% Tin
- 5% Cobalt
- 5% Gallium
- 6% Trace
Non-precious Metal (Low Nobel):
- 54% Nickel
- 22% Chromium
- 9% Molybdenum
- 4% Iron
- 4% Tantalum
- 4% Nobium
- 3% Trace
Titanium Implants
Titanium implants can either be pure titanium or a titanium alloy that includes aluminum and Vanadium. Research indicates that even supposedly pure titanium implants are adulterated and contain trace amounts of aluminum, beryllium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, hafnium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, palladium.